Welcome to Spiritual Narratives! I've always loved stories. As a child, my favorite time was cuddling with my mother on the couch as she read stories to me. Through the years, sharing stories with family, friends, students, church members, and colleagues has deepened my connection with them and God. And, so, it is in that spirit that I welcome you to this website.
Here you will find my recent journey into deepening faith stories which I call spiritual narratives with different practices. My first foray with spiritual narratives was in my book Re-storying Your Faith which focuses on a spiritual practice intended for personal devotion and meditation. Uncovering Spiritual Narratives is a second storytelling approach that describes how to use stories in pastoral care and ministry. The Staff of Spirit described in this book is a collective narrative spiritual practice suitable for use in small groups. My recent publication focuses on a new narrative spiritual practice Call from the Spirit which is intended to help persons called to ministry deepen their calls. You can find a link to the article under Resources.
Narrative Spiritual Practices page has several narrative spiritual practices from these publications with downloadable materials that will enrich your spiritual narratives. You will find some video clips describing these practices. I plan to add more material on this page and Recourses page in the future. Narrative folks can post on my LinkedIn groups about spiritual narratives. I’m hoping that this website can eventually become a community for narrative practitioners—ministers, chaplain, spiritual directors, and therapists.
As you explore this website, you'll find some ways to deepen your own spiritual stories and share with other web viewers your reflections. Keep posted! May you uncover your own spiritual narratives and discover God through them!
Warm regards,
My latest blog post: